
Apologies for being somewhat lackluster in posting here lately. I haven't been watching much television, haven't gone to many movies (thereby contributing to Hollywood's worst summer in almost a decade), and haven't had much time to read, either. I have writing projects galore, which is a great "problem" to have; I'm enjoying being in demand.

For the curious I:

  1. Am rewriting the end of Peter
  2. Am finishing a TV drama pilot
  3. Have been asked to possibly help with another TV series startup (but I've signed an NDA, so I can't elaborate)—I have some materials to look over for that
  4. Have three books waiting for me to read and review
  5. Plan to dust off my thesis, which was a middle-grade novel that partly featured my world AElit, and rework it with help from my critique group

I also have a list of other projects: plays I want to finish and/or expand, that K-Pro sequel I've been toying with, and ideas for a few other books and stories as well.

I do hope, once the fall TV season starts, I will have more regular updates for this site. I plan to try Gotham, and of course I'm curious about Gracepoint . . . Do please keep checking!


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